Merry Christmas! (2014)

Christmas 2014.
What a delightful day!
[We don't have a fireplace, so Netflix provided a pretend fire for us!]
We had planned to wake early, get showered and dressed before the children got up, and enjoy a cup of coffee in our cozy, tree lit room as we waited to start the most exciting day of the year.
And strangely, all went according to plan!
 Only Lois joined us in the wee hours, and she was a welcome addition.
 We took the day really slow, enjoying each step, each present. 
We didn't finish opening gifts until late in the afternoon!
We enjoyed a delicious gluten free breakfast.
 Cinnamon Roll Swirl Coffee Cake, Bacon Farmer's Casserole, and fresh strawberries.
And then we got back to the really fun stuff!
 We were all thoroughly spoiled!
 Our little Christmas sweetie...
 Grayson is mildly obsessed with her...
... "Mildly" being an understatement...
 There was a lot of Lego assembly going on:
 And in the midst of all the fun we were having watching the kids open gifts, we even remembered to snap a couple photos of us!
 Seriously, I used to think Christmas was fun.
Now that I have children of my own, it's MAGICAL.
Fun doesn't even begin to describe it!
Merry Christmas from our family to yours!

* * * * * * * *
p.s... Here are a few of Gray's exclamations throughout the day:
“Oh my nonnie nose!”
“Oh my jolly cars!”
“Oh-ho-ho-ho man! This is what I always wanted!!”

They do a pretty good job of summing up how truly delightful our day was! ;)


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