A Special Spider Plant

Asher and I popped into the library today to pick up a couple books I had put on hold.
When we got there we saw tables set up with supplies for a free "pot your own plant" activity!

We got to choose a mug or small plastic pot, decorate it with stickers, ribbons, or whatever you wanted, fill it with dirt, and pick out a plant, all for no cost whatsoever!

We chose a spider plant.

I've been wanting to own one for awhile now, because I've heard that they help to filter the air in your home. I had looked around town for one and hadn't been able to find one anywhere.

I can't believe I got one for free!

Aren't the variegated leaves beautiful? 

It will grow and cascade down around the pot. So pretty.

I chose this mug, because it looked like something my Grandma would love.
(And, consequently, something that I would love!)

Pretty little vintage flowers painted on milkglass. So sweet!

Asher helped me tie a ribbon around the handle and place some lovely car stickers around the edges. (They coordinated beautifully, of course...)
He dumped the dirt in and even poured a little water on top when we were done. He was proud, and didn't even realize how selfish his Mommy was in the selection process! hehe...

So, while my plant will probably outgrow this little mug in a matter of days, I will get to enjoy both of them separately for years to come!

I love surprises like this!


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