Three-Year-Old Faithfulness


Curious to see how much of the gospel Asher understands, I had this little conversation with him this morning...

Me: Asher, do you know, are you a sinner?
Asher: Yes, but I am a Christian.
Me: That’s right. You are a Christian. Because you’re a sinner, who had to die for your sins?
Ash: Jesus! He died to clean our sins.
Me: Very good! And what happened three days after Jesus died?
Ash: He comed out!
Me: And who is the King?
Ash: Jesus!
Me: Do you love Jesus?
Ash: Mmm-hmm! And Noah. I love Noah.

Behold, faithfulness in three-year-old form. :)

But Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, 
and do not forbid them, 
for of such is the kingdom of heaven." 
Matthew 19:14



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