A Transplanting

“The great Master Gardener, the father of our Lord Jesus Christ, in a wonderful providence, with His own hand, planted me here, where by His grace, in this part of His vineyard, I grow; and here I will abide until the great Master of the vineyard think fit to transplant me.”

-Samuel Rutherford

We've just heard that the Lord has seen fit to give us the desires of our hearts and transplant us to Farmville, Va for our third year of medical school! Riley will be doing rotations through hospitals and clinics next year, and God has kindly placed us in a town much closer to home. Our hope is to find a home to rent in Appomattox (splitting the difference between Farmville and Lynchburg) and stay there for the next two years, until graduation. This will place us only half an hour away from all the family fun in Lynchburg (including grandparents and all eight of their cousins!), as well as our wonderful Providence Church. In addition, we'll be just a stone’s throw away from our good friends, the Weizeneckers, who live on a farm in Appomattox!
We are so excited!

While we will be very sad to leave the wonderful church and the new friends we’ve made here in the New River Valley (and especially the pizza shop just down the road that makes delicious gluten free pizzas for this little celiac!), we are most grateful for the Lord’s provision, and are trusting in Him as He lovingly guides us through this next phase of our medical school journey.

I love this Samuel Rutherford quote, as it conjures up a beautiful image of contentment. We’ve endured a great deal of uncertainty throughout this entire process: not knowing what school we would go to, not knowing where we would live or what church we would attend, not knowing what specialty Riley will choose, not knowing how long we will live in any given location. But, when you think about it, it doesn’t matter! The master gardener has placed us here. Here. He has not just allowed us to be here, but he has lovingly chosen this location, this lot in life, for us. This is where He has planted us, exactly where He knows we will thrive best. And who knows better than the Master of the garden? He is so kind! It is our job now to flourish wherever He places us.

Bloom where you’re planted.

And, by His kindness, it looks like we’ll be blooming a little closer to home next year.
Thanks be to God!

Here we go!


  1. Wahoo!!!! Can't wait to have you back!
    Meg T

  2. So happy for you, so sad for us! :) But as one who enjoys the company of cousins and grandparents, I wouldn't want anything else for you.

    So where's this gluten-free pizza place, and why don't I know about it??

  3. I LOVED this Tam! Such a cheerful and faithful spirit. And it makes me so happy to know you guys will be so much closer to your home!! This post gave me happy tears.

    Love you!


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