Sunday Sniffles

Considering the chorus of coughs and sneezes my eldest has been contributing to our weekend, we thought it best that I stay home from church with my sniffling Asher this morning.

He seems chipper and unaffected by the constant hacking and stuffiness, and has no trouble creating as much mischief as normal, but he's not quite well. So, we stayed home.
While Daddy and Gray went to worship with the saints at our Blacksburg church, Redeemer ARP, I conducted a little worship service at home with my little sick-o, bringing him into the presence of the great Healer. We followed our Lynchburg church's liturgy, singing the same songs and reading the same scriptures they read this very morning. It was actually an incredibly encouraging time, and my little congregant member did a great job sitting still (even though he offered up his prayers of thanksgiving while standing on his head). I was greatly blessed by our little church service.
Asher got to replace the sermon with a video we got from the library about the story of Noah's Ark. (No complaints there! haha)
And then, after renewing our covenant with our Lord, and cleansing our souls through the confession of sins and the receiving of God's abundant forgiveness, I opened up a window and disinfected my house.

We're sparkly clean! 
Thanks to the grace of God. (And Lysol!)


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