Book Review: Leave it to Psmith

By P. G. Wodehouse
* * *
We. love. Psmith.
(The "P" is silent.)
This book is absolutely hilarious! Each night we like to read as a family together in the living room. Up to this point we've chosen books that Riley and I want to read (either to expose our kiddos to good literature subconsciously, or simply because it's fun) but this was the first novel that we really noticed them paying attention and following the story-- and even they enjoyed it! 
(It could have been that Mommy kept laughing out loud throughout each chapter!)
Couple P. G. Wodehouse's perfect character development, rich use of metaphor, and brilliant plot weaving with Riley's entertaining ability to create (and keep straight) different voices for each of the characters, and you're in for some serious entertainment!
While I enjoy british humor, it's not typically my favorite. But, I have to say this book is British humor at it's finest. And we simply adore it! It's one of those books where you truly can't choose a favorite character, because they're all so unique, so endearing, and the perfect mix of realistic personality and outrageous hilarity.

I've procrastinated this review (we finished it a couple months ago!) because I wanted to really do its wonderfulness justice... but it's a worthless endeavor. I am no writer. Wodehouse is the master. 
If you've never experienced Wodehouse, it's time.
I'm tellin' ya. We LOVE Psmith!
(And you can bet we'll be getting our hands on some more Wodehouse in the near future!)


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