My Big Eater...

A child with "Failure to Thrive" can wear a mama out. I'm always tempted to be concerned about whether Grayson is eating enough food. I'm worried about whether I'm feeding him the right foods. I wonder if I should be pushing him to eat more? And I'm anxious before each doctor's visit, hoping the scales reflect what I so want them to say: 

You're a good Mama. Your baby is growing and looking healthy. Keep up the good work.

And lately, thankfully, we've seen progress that way! His last visit to the pediatrician revealed that he's actually on the very edge of moving up one percentile group, and she said that she can tell just by looking at him that he's gaining weight and looking much better. 

Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!

I think all mothers continually evaluate their maternal skills, and wonder if they're doing it right. Fortunately I have a wonderful husband who reminds me that I am doing well, and doesn't let me get caught up into the tangled web of anxiety that ensnares so many women. 
I'm just doing my best. And baby Gray is just too cute.

At the table today he was smiling and stuffing food into his mouth at a record speed, and so an impromptu photo shoot took place. I was just struck with thankfulness as I watched him chomping on his hearty serving of dinner. 

What a blessing to be able to feed him these good, nutritious foods. 
What a joy to watch him use his hands to pick them up and stuff them in his mouth.
And what happiness this little bundle of boy brings me every day!

By the end of his meal, he had polished off half of a baked potato, a handful of cheddar cheese, a piece of chicken, a spoonful of peas, and he washed it down with a sippy cup full of goat's milk (with a dallop of heavy cream mixed in, for good measure.)

Take that, "Failure to Thrive!"

He really is getting so big, regardless of how big he is compared to other children his age!

11 months already. How did that go so quickly?

Sure, there are times when I wonder if I could be doing more for both of my children, but then I remember that all I can do is my best. And Christ is merciful to fill in the gaps that I inevitably leave!

I sure love that sweet little guy! 
(Even on those days when the majority of the food I give him ends up on the ground or in his hair, instead of in his mouth!)

I could just eat him up...


  1. Tamara and Riley,
    These photos are precious. I love reading about your family life. Thank you for sharing!
    Aunt Kathy


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