Advent Jammies

It's the third Sunday of Advent! The boys got advent jammies today...

I bought the red shirts at Walmart for just $3 each.
I made the fleece pajama bottoms... in a frantic scurry last night.
(Classic me!)
They're cute little snowmen in red and green scarves.

It was my first attempt at sewing any kind of clothing. I did it without a pattern, and somehow they turned out! Amazing!

I am so thankful for these boys of mine. God has been very gracious to us. I've held them a little tighter this weekend, having been reminded of the blessing the breath of life truly is. 

We enjoyed a lovely worship service this morning in a new church building, the boys took nice long naps, and we devoured a delicious slow-cooked roast for dinner.
Warm pudding (chocolate, not figgy...) topped us off, and now we're winding down for the evening.
(And Mommy is winding up for another evening packed with projects! Tis the season!)

Wishing you all a blessed advent Sunday!


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