The Ugly Beautiful

Our blog is two years old! (Happy birthday!) It's been lots of fun writing on here, and I recently enjoyed scrolling through some of my older posts. So many fun memories. 

I tend to write about things that are lovely. Mostly because no one wants to read about the fact that I've got three loads of laundry that need folding and a Mt. Everest of ironing waiting for me after that; but also because I believe that perspective is everything when it comes to contentment. 

Today has been one of my less-productive days. I was feeling unmotivated, uninspired, and all around un-lovely. Bombarded by undone chores, toys scattered about the floor, and enough crumbs under the high-chair to feed an entire family of mice, I was moving through the day on auto-pilot. After laying Asher down for his nap, I heard the baby squawking in the kitchen. Hmm... that's odd. Asher's in bed, what could POSSIBLY be pestering him?

Ahh. He was stuck in the laundry basket. (haha!) Clearly distressed, I walked over to him, gave him a pat on the back, a toy, and a pacifier. He was happy for a minute and just so precious that I grabbed the camera and took a picture.

Oh my. I couldn't possibly post this online. Look at the kitchen! Yikes!

The ironing board mounded with the remains of a yet-to-be-finished project, the cupboard still open from a hasty glass-grabbing-effort to set the table last minute, the countertop overflowing with dirty dishes, and enough safety hazards (i.e. toys) tossed about the floor to give our local OSHA worker a heart attack. And that's just in the background!
How embarrassing.

But then I got to thinking. This is my life! I try to keep my house clean and orderly, but goodness gracious, I have two very little boys who do their very best to make their Mama work hard to keep up, and sometimes this happens! Stuff. Out of place. Everywhere. And you know what? It's wonderful.

Why is there stuff everywhere? 
Because of God's blessings. 

mmm-hmmm... studying in the mess. This man is amazing.

They're rambunctious rascals, but they're blessings in abundance. The mess is the reminder.
It's ugly, but beautiful, all at the same time.

Don't blink... or this happens.

I recently read a book (One Thousand Gifts)* where the author talks about the ugly-beautiful, those little things in life that are unpleasant at first glance, but upon changing your perspective become beautiful reminders of the lovely around you.

Am I really complaining that there is stuff out of place all over the house? I have stuff. I have a house. And I have two precious sons that mess it up.

Thanks be to God!

If you looked up "trouble" in the dictionary...

So, today the Lord used a one-year-old fussing in a laundry basket to remind me to rejoice in the ugly-beautiful. I love the mess, because I love the mess-makers so, so very much!


(And now, off to make the ugly-beautiful lovely once again! I love my life!)

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*I highly recommend the book One Thousand Gifts, by Ann Voskamp. It will change your life and open your eyes to the little kindnesses God blesses His children with every day! Her writing style is what I would call poetic, maybe a bit more poetic than my pea-sized mommy-brain can process, but it's a quick and easy read, gripping, and beautifully pieced. It's her journey toward ultimate contentment and thanksgiving in the everyday mundane. Guaranteed to bless you.


  1. FAVORITE post so far, thank you so much for sharing with us your beautiful/ugly home. It's true. It's reality. It's wonderful.
    One day (okay, you got me, many many many days) I was having a freak out over the mess two boys could create in under two minutes, especially when I tend to be blessed with random visitors during the day, and I just caught myself: Do I want my kids to remember a mom who ranted and raved, and was more concerned with how our home was perceived, or to welcome with people with open arms, to laugh, share, and be happy with what we have. That was the start of my Journey to Contentment. Love you friend! -Shira


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