Super Gray and Lois

One of the fun coincidences of my delivery with Lois was the fact that one of the techs attending was a young woman named Lois. She was delighted to hear we were naming our daughter Lois (since it's rare these days), and then warned us that we should be prepared for LOTS of Lois Lane & Superman jokes. (People think they're so original!)
We haven't gotten any yet, but here's Super Gray donning his cape, and obsessing over his own darling Lois!
The only problem is that Super Gray often doesn't protect Lois. In fact, she's truly not safe left unattended on the floor, because her hero in a red cape will literally squash her with his loving affection. He sits on her, squishes her cheeks in his hands, wiggles and shouts endearments at her with his face only an inch away from hers, and even likes to jump over her to show off his awesome skills. (Note: they're not very awesome.)
Today I found him like this:
"Mommy, look! I'm making a 'T' with Lois!"
At least he wasn't trying to make an 'X'!
Super Gray and Lois. Their love will last a lifetime! 
(And she'll be all the tougher for it!)


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