So which will it be??
Tomorrow is our big ultrasound exam, where we will finally be able to determine whether there's a little boy or a little girl growing in there! (Hopefully, at least!)
When I was newly pregnant with Asher I got the notion into my head that I should teach myself to quilt, and promptly started two crib quilts, a baby boy and a baby girl.
(I had no idea what I was doing, but figured I could just wing it! Haha! Oh, the tears and the hair pulling!)
After we found out Asher James was on the way, I still finished the baby girl quilt, knowing that when I had other children quilting would not fit into my schedule as easily. And of course I'd want to have a handmade quilt with pink flowers on it should we have a girl one day!
How wise I was! ;)
If we're blessed with our first girl, I am so excited to put her in this lovely vintage yellow dress that was worn by my grandmother, then my mother, then me.
(How wonderful is that?)
If the Lord sees fit to bless our family with another little boy, he will get to wear the very same outfit his father and his brothers wore home from Virginia Baptist Hospital in their first days outside their mothers' wombs!
Asher and Gray were also baptized in this adorable little outfit, which makes it extra special.
My heart's desire is to look at that ultrasound monitor and see a healthy, wiggling little baby with a strong heartbeat and a growing body.
Boy or girl, we'll be thrilled!
I'm sooo excited to know what we're having, so we can stop calling the baby "it," but call it by his or her name!
I won't be able to sleep tonight! :)
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p.s... Our ultrasound is tomorrow (Tuesday) morning at 9:00am EST. If you will pray for us and our baby, that all looks healthy and well, that would be wonderful! And, sorry to tell you, we'll be gone all day, so I may not be able to post anything to the blog until late that evening! Be patient, friends! :)
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p.s... Our ultrasound is tomorrow (Tuesday) morning at 9:00am EST. If you will pray for us and our baby, that all looks healthy and well, that would be wonderful! And, sorry to tell you, we'll be gone all day, so I may not be able to post anything to the blog until late that evening! Be patient, friends! :)
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