Happy Pappy and Dear Danielley!

Today is my dear Daddy's birthday...
He's 53 now, but there's no way anyone could tell. Approximately 90% of the pictures I have of him are him on the floor playing with his grandsons!! 
He's tough, yet tender; hardworking, and yet will fall asleep if he sits still for longer than 10 minutes. He's full of wisdom, and seems to be able to read my mind. He's pretty awesome, and I'm super happy that God saw fit to place me in his home for the first 22(ish) years of my life.
Happy birthday, Pappy!

Also, yesterday was my dear sweet sister of a friend's birthday! 
She's now 30. I would say that seems so very old, but I'm chasing her quickly and will be there before the year's out, so I'll hold my tongue. :)
Danielle was at my 12th birthday party, and we've been relatively inseparable ever since. Despite my gradual moving eastward (first Spokane, then Idaho, then Virginia--WOAH!), our friendship has withstood the test of time and distance, and we are just as close now as we were during those junior high sleepovers where we ordered Chinese takeout and watched silly TV shows and created oodles upon oodles of inside jokes... which we still like to crack!
I credit Danielle with playing a huge part in the steadfastness of my faith. She's a woman who fears the Lord, and has been a constant source of blessing and wisdom in my life for these past 19 years. 
I just love her!
The last couple days of February are always so fun, celebrating two of my favorite people each year. 
I so wish I could be with them this week!
Happy birthday to my Happy Pappy and Dear Danielley!


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