19 Months of Grayson Goodness and Other Randomness...

So, Gray turns 19 months today! I know, not really that monumental, but I'm continually reminded of how quickly he is growing up.

He's shooting up like a weed, and any concerns we had about his health have almost completely vanished. 
Seriously, this kid is so tall. And his feet? Wow. HUGE.

Last night we took his pacifier away for good. We expected to be in for a long night and an early, early morning. We were pleasantly surprised! He didn't even cry. I guess it was time!

He's talking more and more, and even singing. This is a fun treat, because Asher still, to this day, won't participate in singing. I have no doubt he knows the songs, but he would rather sit quietly (or not so quietly) than try to chime in. 

Gray is such a fun little guy to have around! He smiles all the time, cuddles on command, and absolutely loves to read books with his Mommy. (So much so that if I'm distracted on the computer I can count on being surprised by a random book being thrown in my face! Subtlety isn't listed among his virtues.)

My boys are growing so fast, I can barely keep up.

Asher now uses the potty largely without assistance. I often walk by the bathroom door and find him sitting in there with a big smile on his face. (No doubt thinking about the treat he is going to get when he's done!) He's learning at lightning speeds, and asks questions ALL THE TIME. While he doesn't ask the famous "why... why... why..." very often, he will ask you "what's that mean" with a similar zeal. And he can quote Toy Story like nobody's business.
(Don't tell him, but Woody and Buzz will be here on Christmas morning, waiting under the tree! Many thanks to Gramma and Pappy! Yippee!!! I can't wait. I'm tempted to pull them out of the box and play with them myself! How fun is this??)

My boys run laps around the house (literally!), scream louder than I knew was humanly possible, pull all the cushions off the couch at least twice a day, tackle each other on endless repeat, and delight in trading sippy cups full of milk. 
You've heard of Milk Duds? They're milk-buds. (Doughty humor alert!!)

I can't believe how big my babies are!!!
Today I've been focusing on being as sponge-like as possible. I have to soak up as much of this fun, little stage as I can. It will be over in a blink...


  1. Tam,
    Thank you so much for taking the time to share. I know this will be a good record of events for you to look back on, but even more; it gives us an opportunity to share in the boys world and see them growing and changing.
    Thank you!
    Aunt Kathy


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