The Varied Hue

The summer-flower has run to seed,
And yellow is the woodland bough;
And every leaf of bush and weed
Is tipt with Autumn's pencil now.

And I do love the varied hue,
And I do love the browning plain;
And I do love each scene to view,
That's mark'd with beauties of her reign.

Taken from "Autumn" by John Clare, 1821

Here's a taste of how we've enjoyed our Autumn so far...

Picnic at Pandapas Pond

 The beautiful drive home from church offers views of mountains thick with the changing deciduous trees.

Our Festive Fall Front Porch
(With unAshamed Autumnal Alliteration...)

I've added a few pumpkins since these photos were taken.
 We got them at... A Pumpkin Festival!

The day at the pumpkin farm was full of fun. Pony rides, a hay ride through the gorgeous countryside down to the pumpkin patch, and plenty of tractors to excite my sweet Asher.

Baking, collecting nuts and leaves, breathing deep the cool morning air, pumpkin candles, hot coffee, and lots of snuggles with my sweet boys...

Oh, Autumn, how I love you!


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