A disease, not a definition...

A mom with Celiac Disease definitely changes the dynamic of the home. "Gluten Free" (or at one point "gwootin fwee") is a term the whole family is familiar with, and often dictates even little decisions like where to go out to eat tonight, or which butter dish you're allowed to use on your toast. 
Since I don't run an exclusively gluten free household, it makes for some funny food labeling and odd instructions to toddlers about not eating their bread while leaning over Mommy's plate. Sharing Mommy's water is allowed only under very specific circumstances and requires permission before partaking.

It has an impact, and that's unavoidable.

BUT, I work diligently to not let my Celiac Disease define our family atmosphere. Sure we talk about it, but we don't talk about it all the time. And judging by the spread on our table each night, you probably wouldn't even notice a difference most of the time. We eat all the normal foods, I just simply have to sub a few ingredients on occasion.

Once you enter into the world of food allergies it is easy to allow your special needs to become all consuming. Whether consumed by fear or by zeal, it's easy for people to allow their food requirements or preferences to define them. But as soon as I was diagnosed I purposed to avoid doing so. I did not want to allow the need to avoid gluten to dampen the joy around our table or the fellowship we share with our friends. You will never hear me refer to myself as "a Celiac." You won't hear me talk about the benefits of going gluten free (mostly because, as of yet, I haven't realized any huge ones), or continually post gluten free recipes and tips on my blog. I don't really want to be know as "Tamara...she's the one who eats gluten free, right?"
My Celiac Disease will not define me, and I will fight to make it have as little impact on both my family and my friends as possible. 
I have much more ridiculous shortcomings I could be known by! ;)

Now, none of this is to say that I don't appreciate people who dedicate blogs to creating gluten free masterpieces. I have benefitted from those! Nor is it to say that there is anything inherently wrong with opening up to conversation about food intolerances. I am always, always happy to help along fellow friends with Celiac as they get started on a g-free diet. (Or even friends who want to cook for me!) It's a tricky road, and I definitely have developed a few tried and true tips over the last several years! But it's not always on my lips, because I don't really think about it that much.

I guess this is simply my reply to the many comments I get from friends suggesting that I post gluten free recipes or list my favorite local and online sources on here. 
I may, occasionally. (I actually have a few delicious dishes that I've been thinking about sharing!) But if I did it regularly, it wouldn't really fit here. This blog is about our life. And "gluten free" has as much to do with our life as any other ingredient in my kitchen. 

Our home is rich with the smells and tastes of good food, strong coffee, and sweet chocolate.
And that's the gist of the our table.
Stop in, we'd be glad to share with you!


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