One Happy (5 Year Old!) Camper

This guy:
How is he five years old already?
When he found out he was going to spend his birthday at Gramma and Pappy's house (the third time this has happened in his life!) he decided he wanted to have a camping birthday party.
["Don't Feed the Bears" (teddy grahams), "Bait" (gummy worms) and "Fresh Fish" (goldfish crackers)!]
["Happy Trails! (Watch for deer droppings.)" Trail mix with little Raisinets scattered throughout... Asher loved it.
And we got a kick out of hearing the boys request deer droppings for snacks the rest of the week!] 
[Riley made the cake for me! I just added the campsite topper. He's the best.]
[Fishin' Hole Game! They fished (with one of Pappy's real fishing rods) for prizes and loved it!]
Danielley and her girls were able to join our party, and Papa and Nancy came by for cake as well!

[Asher was ecstatic to get this lego truck he'd been wanting... Thanks, Gramma and Pappy!
And Evie's sweet face peeking through is totally adorable!]
It was a happy celebration of our happy little buddy.
We have loved all five years with you, Asher James!


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