One Giant Load of Cute


Oh, Gray.
You make my heart simultaneously melt and bubble over with laughter.
You're just one giant load of cute!

This kid has been cracking us up lately!
Not only is he the skinniest, tallest, clumsiest, wildest thing we've ever laid eyes on, but he's so full of personality it's kind of an overload of adorableness. And he's two! Doesn't get cuter.

It's been awhile since I've done updates on the boys, so I'm going to start with this little buddy, who happens to be just just 3 months from turning 3! Here are a few samples of the cute little personality we're falling more and more in love with every day...

First off, his smile. He already had dimples before, but several months ago he was jumping on the bed and landed funny, which launched him head-first into the headboard, smashing his left cheek so hard that it's left a permanent dent, right where his dimple was. Every time he smiles we can't help but laugh at the giant crater! And he smiles A LOT.

He is constantly making sound effects to whatever it is he's doing. Whether it's smashing cars, telling a story, or just walking around with a jingle stuck in his head, he basically accompanies our life with a Gray-inspired sound track, and we love it.

Example: He trumpets this little ditty every time he finishes his plate...

And on (a pretty frequent) occasion he simply runs through the house, squealing as loudly as he can, clearly pleased with the sound of his own voice. I can't blame him. The noise level is impressive.

He says the cutest things. Seriously. We can't get over his expansive vocabulary! Two year olds just shouldn't say things like,
"Wait a minute! Hold on a minute!"
or "I just have two questions"
or "All ri-i-I-I-ight..."
He speaks in full sentences with adult-like intonation. Couple it with his adorable little baby boy voice and... gracious! He's got me.

He's into everything. EVERYTHING. He's constantly finding new discoveries and getting excited. He loves to run into the room, tell me what he's playing with, and then turn around and shout, "Ok! Bye!" as he runs out. He's thrilled every time he masters a new skill, and has no struggles with insecurity. In fact, he's sleeping as I type, and yet I can practically hear his little voice exclaiming, "Mommy, wook at dis cool trick! Wook at me! Wook at me! I'm modified!" He's awesome and he knows it.

Block tower pride

He's a dare-devil, and yet the clumsiest little guy I've ever seen. I'm pretty sure he'll be the first to solicit an E.R. run. He has no concept of how big his head is, and is thus smacking it into things constantly. He's that kid that tries to stand up under the table he just crawled under, or lays down on his back without checking to see what's behind him. Oh, man. But he's tough!

And I'm pretty sure he's the messiest eater on the planet. Still! He's been messy since he was little, and unlike his brother (who hasn't needed to have his mouth wiped since he was, what, 12 months old?), could probably use a bath after every meal. I just don't know how one goes about getting chocolate inside their ear, or spaghetti sauce on the back of their neck. Fabulous! Perhaps he would do better if we could get him to use his fork, but at the moment he seems convinced that the fork's primary use is as an instrument for banging on the table to simultaneously disrupt the conversation and beat up the beautiful wood surface. But we're happy that we'll one day get to show it to him when he's grown and say, "Look what you did, you little rascal!"

And last, he snuggles. Boy does this guy love to snuggle. He requests every night before bed, "Mama, I want you to snug wif me." I'm pretty sure he'd sit on my lap and snuggle all day if I had the time to let him. It's just. so. cozy. 
Ack! I love it.
And I love him!


*  *  *  *  *

And a bonus: the nick names we currently call him...

Gray Way (for Grayson Wayne)
Gray Way Lay (We have naming issues)
Geesie (How Asher said his name when he was first born. Pronounced with a hard G.)
Geesie-muff (no explanation)
Geesie-muffin-head (poor kid)
Big Gee
Mr. Fluffy Head (Have you seen this kid's hair? Ha!)
Sugar Buns
Sugs (like sugar)
Sweet Boy (ok, I'm the only one who calls him that)
Brother (Lately this has been the ONLY way Asher refers to him! So cute.)

But if you ask him what his name is, he will shout with pride, "My name's Grayson!"


  1. This Post just made my day. I admit to having completely fallen in love with this little guy. I'm head over heels, thanks to our times in the nursery. "Look at my booooots!" So cute! I love this little guy!!! :)



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