Brotherly Love


Asher and Grayson dressed for Valentine's Day

I never had a brother. Neither did Riley. These two have been given the blessing of brotherhood from their very earliest memories!

My two sweet boys back in August

They like to do everything together. (Well, if I'm honest, Gray likes to do everything with Asher. Asher indulges him when he's feeling generous.)

It's so hard to share cars and trains,
but it's easy to share a movie!

They're little buddies, and it's my earnest prayer that they will learn to show each other patience, kindness, and selflessness in the years to come. 

When life gets a little dull, have a picnic in the living room!

We keep telling Asher that they will grow up to be the very best of friends. We're working hard to instill a great, unshakable bond of brotherly love between them. 
We certainly love them with all of our heart!!

Here's a peek at the first time they met...

Asher smiling at his baby brother in the hospital. 

So sweet.


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